Game Wars Not About Games: XBox 360 vs Playstation 3

If you're seriously interested in knowing about XBox 360 games, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about XBox 360 games.
Sony’s announcement concerning the postponing of PlayStation3 until November, although its launch was expected this May after the E3 Expo, made that the whole controversy about who’s going to win the final battle in the console war catch even more fire.
Xbox 360’s fans, along with Microsoft, don’t hesitate in
considering the delay of PlayStation 3 as a unique
opportunity to impose their favorite console, while the
other side, consisting of PlayStation 3 fans, hopes that the
Japanese console’s technologic performances will overcome
the toy produced within the Redmond laboratories. Followers
of PlayStation 3 try to emphasize the fact that nobody was
actually expecting to see the console in the United States
in May and that it has better chances of appearing on the
American market in November.
Somehow caught in the middle of this fight, the game
producers are the ones to lose the most due to this battle.
Analysis companies report that game sells have decreased
because nobody wants to risk by buying a game for Xbox that
wouldn’t work on Xbox 360, and those faithful to PlayStation
are willing to wait for the PlayStation 3 version before
finally buying those long-awaited games.
In fact, the confrontation between PlayStation 3 and Xbox
360 hasn’t got much to do with games anymore. Even if this
statement may sound awkward, taking in consideration the
fact that both are generically named next generation game
consoles, in reality games have ended up somewhere at the
conflict’s periphery.
Both Sony and Microsoft dwell on their consoles’ multimedia
characteristics, their family home entertainment centre,
which is clearly pointed out by the fact that caused
PlayStation’s 3 delay: the Blu-Ray standard hasn’t been
On the other hand, Microsoft announced a few months ago that
it will make available a HD-DVD external unit, an add-on for
Xbox 360.
How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of wisdom that changes everything.
Second of all, online communities became one of the game’s
stakes. Sony is ready to respond to Xbox Live community –
one of the initiatives that boosted Microsoft on the console
market’s second place – by coming up PlayStation Network
Platform, a service to be launched in the same time with
PlayStation 3.
Therefore, games aren’t a stake for the two companies
anymore or, better said, the only stake, allowing the
confrontation to jump to the next level: entertainment, in
all its shapes.
Even though all displays of PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 still
include information about games, the speech’s emphasis moves
towards movies, music and online entertainment.
In these conditions, the game industry - that already has
enough problems to deal with - shouldn’t put its hopes in a
revitalization eased by the re-launched battle between
PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
The risk that both Sony and Microsoft seem to ignore because
of this focus on entertainment is the loss of fanatic gamers
communities’ support, who consider a console to be a device
built for games, and not necessarily a source of
They could start looking towards Nintendo Revolution, the
only next generation console that seems preoccupied only by
games. After all, it isn’t obligatory to have a winner when
two opponents fight.
Hopefully the sections above have contributed to your understanding of XBox 360 games. Share your new understanding about XBox 360 games with others. They'll thank you for it.
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